Saturday, February 13, 2016

How to become a successful Forex trader?

Why do psychiatrists plague better than economists in the currency forex trading market?
It should be noted that traders that are worth billions, such as Dor, and Williams and others is nothing but psychologists. It is no accident that we do not see economic leaders and seasoned traders the most successful of these doctors, but analysts and psychiatrists professionals have the ability to stand out from the economists will discuss in this article. But financially Think about it. You can become successful when they understand what is happening in the forex. I will explain what Forex errors which economists located. And how to correct these errors, it is through the correction will become a merchant does not have any psychological barriers and does not have any obstacles on the way to becoming the best in the foreign exchange market.

 So, why psychiatrists works best economists and traders who, as many believe, are manipulating the Forex market?

That many economists confused them the following things:
First, the fact that exchange rates do not always directly linked to the economic conditions in these countries. Well, do you know of economists to admit that technical analysis of currency pairs is more important for the forex trading of fundamental analysis? That any economist will always feel confident that this can never happen because he knows all the economic dogmas. But it happens in the forex. But how can a currency trader, knowing the market moves up and down according to economic rules? Certainly the currency with the economic changes in the country will react, but who knows when and how? Here, the following advice: To those who believe that basic knowledge is everything in the exchange market (before converting the trend in the exchange rate, the currency is absurd move that completely) are to reverse the trend.

Second, the lack of psychological knowledge that helps to understand the group's behavior. Any knowledge is obvious. Doctors psychologists have the ability to general behaviors of groups analysis based on external influences which they are exposed and can delve deeper into this topic by studying the ideas of behaviorism in psychology, where it would object to stimuli and reinforcement and changes behavior based on incentives and you can use this information and apply it to the world of Forex, trying to do so conclusion behaviors of individuals in the currency trading market.

Third, the lack of the ability to overcome the psychological fear resulting from price fluctuations in the currency forex trading market, in contrast, can people who work in the field of psychology to overcome this fear because of their knowledge of public behaviors and because of the tactics that They belong to overcome this fear and control not leave him in control on them.

It seems that there is no book of Forks, it offers effective solutions for psychological problems suffered by the traders in the currency trading market. In fact none of these books contain ways to overcome the fear that experienced Forex broker.

But what they offer books instead?
Almost every book of this type consists of two unequal parts:
The bulk of the book tells about the problem of traders that overlap their Forex trading and can eventually overcome it (nervousness, doubts, worries, fear and deprivation of sleep, and so on). As if traders do not know their own problems.
PART Luxor contain conclusions and recommendations to traders to help them solve their problems and overcome their fears.

Many psychiatrists are aware that the new field opens up in front of their eyes, which is to provide psychological treatment for traders totaling millions worldwide, this field is growing with each day.

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